


2024 | Some Recommended Chat Reports in China

Once, in order to use ChatGPT, we searched for various tutorials and spent a lot of effort 🥲, just to register a ChatGPT account.

Nowadays, the development in China is much faster than we imagined. Various major companies have launched their own artificial intelligence language models, and many of them are free 🥳, and they are also being used in various commercial scenarios.

Later, we gave this type of product the professional term "large language model" (LLM), which refers to deep learning models trained on a large amount of text data that can generate natural language text or understand the meaning of language text. Large language models can handle various natural language tasks such as text classification, question answering, and dialogue, and are an important path to artificial intelligence.

Here, I recommend a few free and easy-to-use large language models for everyone! 🥰

Kimi.ai The Dark Side of the Moon#


Kimi is the model I like the most in 24 years. It has two outstanding features.

  1. 🌕【Longer than long】Kimi supports input of up to 2 million words of context.

  2. 📄【Quantum Speed Reading】It can send a website or word/PDF document and answer related questions.


Kimi can actively search for information on the Internet and provide references, unlike some models that only know knowledge before a certain point in time. This means that it can help you retrieve information from the Internet faster and improve work efficiency.

Kimi is really, really smart 😭 Sometimes you can really ask it like a friend, and it will give you satisfactory answers!!!

(Not the Kimi from "Where Are We Going, Dad?"

ChatGLM Intelligent Spectrum#



Intelligent Spectrum has been launched for a long time, and its English name is ChatGLM. It has very rich features, with its own AI drawing 🎨WoW! It can create custom robots and build your own "assistant" based on the character profile you provide. 🤖

This is an open-source project from Tsinghua University, with famous models such as ChatGLM-6B and ChatGLM-130B.



ChatGLM has the ability to read documents, just like Kimi. It can answer questions based on the content of the document, and its accuracy is also quite good.

Data analysis is a powerful feature of ChatGLM. For example, it can automatically generate code and generate images. I was really shocked when I discovered this feature! 😱


Coze Button#


This is an AI intelligent body development platform from ByteDance, which can comprehensively access various platforms. For example, during the conversation above, it can search for information on Douyin and provide detailed travel advice.



Through the Button plugin store, we can see that Button is very good at integrating various platforms and leveraging its advantages in a certain field!


Tongyi Unified Thousand Questions#



Unified Thousand Questions can also retrieve information from the Internet.

There are also some interesting features inside.

The writing is quite good, haha, it's all about skills, no emotions.

The emergence of these large language models has greatly changed our lives, just like the slogan of ChatGLM, "Be a little smarter, work one hour less every day!" In this ever-changing and continuously advancing era, only by mastering the latest technology and tools can we keep up with the pace of the times and improve work efficiency and quality of life.

Text | Original by Xiaobanzi
Images | Screenshots taken by myself
Cover | Designed by myself
Aren't I amazing?

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